One for the road

{ 10.27.04, 3:10 p.m. }

◊ Here's to staying up all night for no reason! Here's to finishing a tiny knitted bag with a skull on it just as the sun comes up! Here's to watching a night's whole Adult Swim programming bloc three times! Here's for spacing out so bad at 9 a.m. that I didn't leave time for a shower! Here's to biking to school with wobbly sleep-deprivation vision!

And here's to biking back in rush-hour traffic after several more hours of being awake! With no light! And no helmet! And no sweater!

Oh, and I made a Daily Show diary ring. Join it, because a "Daily Show Army" with only one person in it looks really, really lame.

Did I mention how I want to kidnap Jon Stewart, strip him naked and make him talk about responsibility of the media and journalistic ethics? "Oh, god, Jon, call the guys at CNN 'hacks'! Mmm, yeah! Now say 'integrity!' Say it, say it! Ooh! Now 'partisan hackery'! Oh, yeah, just like that! Now talk about being a citizen with a right to information — yes, yes, yes!"

Except knowing my luck, he'd just say "No, I'm not going to be your monkey," like he did to the goobers on Crossfire when they told him he wasn't being funny.
