I love you, Kyan

{ 12.23.03, 7:11 p.m. }

◊ I am deeply, madly, passionately in love with Kyan, the "Grooming" guy from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

It was just a schoolgirl crush until I saw an episode where the Fab Five revamp a guy that looked like a mountain man. The guy's house was teeming with mounted animal heads, which were a source of much mockery.

Kyan, the goofy darling, started running around the guy's house with a taxedermied bird's wing tucked behind each ear, and I was a goner.

Another favorite moment was when they discovered the guy's fishing rods. One of the Fab Five flailed around, pretending to have a hook through his lip, while another held the fishing rod and screamed "Look, I caught a fag!"

Yeah, I have a weakness for goofiness. Can't help it; it's been like that since I was about 10.

I bet my mom wishes I went for Young Republicans.
