Homemaker posse

{ 12.22.03, 7:53 p.m. }

◊ I am the world's best cook and home-cleaner.

My house is spotless, there is no furry soy milk in the fridge, the kitchen is not teeming with beer bottles and dirty dishes and I never, ever, ever eat microwaved leftovers that have been sitting all day in the pan they were cooked in.

I also have wings. And rose petals and diamonds fall from my lips whenever I speak.

I am now going to quote Dean, who got mauled a few weeks ago at the Caravan by some fucktard who needs a good beat-down. I was hoping we'd run into that guy on the night Dean mentioned.

But better than that was how one friend started the �Dean Has A Posse� crew. Imagine walking into a bar and seeing a group of people who had written just that on their arms, along with "DEAN" spelled out on their knuckles. More people were recruited as the night went on and it soon became very obvious that I did indeed have a fucking posse.
Solidarity, man. Solidarity and Sharpies.
