Practical frog effects

{ 12.13.03, 2:46 p.m. }

◊ Nah-nah, nah-nah! Guess where I was last night?

Eric Idle: The Greedy Bastard Tour

I saw Eric Idle with Dean!

And it was great, even though I could guess the punchlines of most of the jokes by the time he was halfway through the set-up and there was a mob of geeks sitting behind us singing along to all the songs really loud and reciting lines during all the sketches.

But that's OK. I'm glad I went and I'm glad Eric Idle is touring. If I had helped create something totally brilliant when I was young, I'd want to be able to shamelessly exploit it for the next forty years, too.

On an unrelated note: I have a habit of writing down things that strike me as funny or worth remembering. I tend to use whatever's at hand to write on, so it's pretty much guaranteed that at any moment I have five or six slips of paper on my person with cryptic things written on them.

Not only does it make doing laundry much more exciting than it should be ("Aww, dammit! Now I'm gonna spend the next hour picking bits of damp paper off my jeans"), it's also good for an unexpected thrill when I'm cleaning.

I just found a note that says "You know what's bad? When you hock a loogie and you don't know where it went."

Written underneath that in a different color of ink, it says "... & then you find it on the front of yr sweater 20 min later."

Jesus. I know it's my handwriting. Where do I come up with this stuff?

Aha. I just found the one that says "I dunno if there's a time and a place for a semen fight, but I'm pretty sure it's not 7 a.m."

If this were a courtroom drama, this is where I'd put my hands flat on the table in front of me, lean forward and say "I rest my case" with an impossibly smug look on my face.
