Extra-fun, extra-goofy

{ 12.02.03, 6:13 p.m. }

◊ My sleep habits have been even more fucked up than usual. I figured this out yesterday morning at 6 a.m. when I was sitting on the porch in my pajama pants and big jacket, smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer and listening to Tom Waits and reading Catch-22.

I thought to myself, "Self, this is a whole lot more activity than you can usually handle at this hour. Normally this early in the morning you can barely manage to shuffle over to the bathroom to take a piss. You know what? Your sleeping habits are even more fucked up than usual."

"I know," I told myself, "so shut the hell up already. Fuck, this cigarette tastes like dirt. I'm going for a walk."

And I did.

Random thought: Sometimes I wish I were a guy so I could threaten people with skullfucking. Because when you're a girl, people tend to think having you skullfuck them would actually be sexy or something.


I sent in my editor application for the newspaper today. Here it is:

Arlette�s Editor Application

I enjoyed being an editor. It was fun when I didn�t want to tear my hair out. Now I want to be an editor again. I think it could be fun again and I think I�m familiar enough with the whole editing thing now that there might be slightly less hair-pulling this time around.

I think I�m qualified for an editing position because somehow I managed to qualify before with little experience and no idea of what I was doing, and now — hey! — I�m a pro! Well, not exactly a pro. But at least I�m not clueless. At least not about editing. As I�ve gotten more confident with Quark, I�ve been able to pull off some fun layout ideas, and I�d like to have another go at it and do something really cool and possibly even awesome.

Plus I've gotten more used to how everything works and probably won't be as clueless this time about assigning slugs and getting stories from writers.

I�d like to go for Arts & Entertainment because it seems a bit more, well, entertainment-focused than Features. When I was Features editor, I always had the nagging feeling that I should be assigning more serious stories than the goofy stunts I kept coming up with. A&E is fun and goofy and I like to think that I am fun and goofy — please note the extra-fun, extra-goofy application I am writing right now — so I think I�d fit right in. I had more fun looking over Owen�s shoulder at his pages and working with him on layout than I had with my own pages on some production nights.

Plus squirrel references would probably make more sense in A&E than in Features, since squirrels are just so darn entertaining.
