So welcome to the continuing saga

{ 12.01.03, 3:04 a.m. }

◊ Just a tip:

If you are thinking about ever, ever, ever being in a relationship ever, ever, ever again in your whole entire life, do not listen to Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen or Jeff Buckley or Portishead or anyone who was on any mix tape a once-significant other made for you at any point in your relationship.

It will make you think that you have been hurt plenty already and are just going to get hurt again and that sitting around drinking and moping and thinking about the One(s) That Got Away is a viable career option.

Right now I am not drinking. Haven't had a smoke or a drink all day.

This may surprise some people. I think I am building a reputation as a drinker. I never really thought about it until I was running late getting to the newsroom one time (OK, one of many times) and got this voice mail from Owen:

I was just trying to confirm an assumption made by Luke Stangel. He said that you were probably at home taking shots and crying to yourself, and I have $5 that says you're drinking beer.

Ha, ha, they think they're so funny.

Though I had been drinking beer, actually.

I don't want people to think that all I do is drink and mope and cry. I also watch movies and shop at thrift stores and buy CDs. So there.
