I am what I play

{ 12.01.03, 1:47 a.m. }

◊ Pop culture to the rescue!

I was moping after my friend left, already a little bored and a lot scared of hanging out alone yet again. Then I turned on the TV and kapow! "Headline Act" is on VH1 Classic and it's wall-to-wall David Bowie!

So, me being the little Bowie bitch for the last eight or nine years, I am just about pissing myself for joy. The stereo is cranked up and Bowie is sauntering around the screen in that sexy late-70s Berlin look in the "DJ" video. I remember I just bought a fresh pack of cigs, and for possibly the first time in my life I've applied both nail polish and top coat without getting them all over my jeans and couch or fucking the polish up before it dries. All of a sudden the world is not exactly a beautiful place, but at least a tolerable one.

And really, that's all I ask.

Oh, I have a new favorite word: "abacinate." It means "to blind by a red-hot metal plate held before the eyes." Never let them tell you English ain't a beautiful language. Unfortunately there is already a Diaryland journal with that name. Fortunately it is a good one and does not suck.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go dance like a moron to "Boys Keep Swinging."
