Buy Not Too Much Day

{ 11.28.03, 6:11 p.m. }

◊ I am not doing a very good job with Buy Nothing Day.

I spent $30 at the Salvation Army.

Then I bought fast food.

Super-sized fast food.

But! I tried. Instead of turning this into a stupid one-off thing like the Great American Smokeout (which was Nov. 20; I deliberately chain smoked), I want to change my spending habits a bit more and actually think about what I buy.

I was doing OK. I was putting stuff back, thinking about whether or not I actually needed things or had room for them.

But I was a goner when I saw the coat.

Different things get your attention in different ways. You might do a double-take, or step in closer to examine them.

And some things, when you spot them, they suck your breath right out of your body in a long, disbelieving hiss.

This was one of them.

It's a gorgeous Jill Jr. jacket that looks like it might be about 30 years old and is in fucking perfect shape, with a perfect soft pink lining. The only other coat I've ever seen that snapped my head around like this one was the last Jill Jr. jacket I spotted at the Salvation Army.

And $7.50! Oh God!

Anyway. I snagged a coat for a friend and some neat stuff that I can turn into useful stuff. I have been watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and reading ReadyMade Magazine, so my brain is seething with redecorating and repurposing ideas. A small old filing case now holds extra toilet paper. I just bought an old coffeepot to keep kitchen tools in. And I rubber-cemented a 3-D ad to one wall with the 3-D glasses hanging next to it on a string.

Next: buy chalkboard paint for one of my walls. Also: buy some chalk.

I've been told that my place looks very "me." I have no idea what that means. Probably means it's weird and has possibly too much character.
