Six lies about me

{ 10.07.03, 12:34 a.m. }

◊ Nobody ever reads those long lists of facts people post about themselves. But you know damn well you'll read this list, because I made up the whole thing.

  1. I was born with a tail.
  2. I have a birthmark shaped like the number "666" on the sole of my left foot.
  3. I am violently allergic to quail eggs.
  4. I can read minds. Not human minds; only llama minds. But minds nonetheless.
  5. I have been imprisoned twice for contributing to the delinquency of a miner, but I only did it because I have a thing for pickaxes.
  6. I shot a man once for talking too loud at the library. But it was OK. I had a silencer.

And here's a true one: I haven't puked since I was 12 years old. Though that may change soon, thanks to this flu.

Addendum: The "true" bit is no longer true, thanks to all-night drinking binges with Owen. Thanks, buddy.
