In my judgement, not really

{ 11.03.04, 12:41 a.m. }

◊ It's 12:41 a.m., 3:41 a.m. on the East Coast, and Fox News is showing Bush with 269 electoral votes and 242 for Kerry. They're already referring to Bush's "victory" and Bush's coming problem of "healing" the nation after this divisive campaign.

CNN has it 249-242 in Bush's favor and keeps saying every ten minutes that there's no way to be dead certain about which way the last couple states will go. Earlier today they were hyping the fact that Kerry was leading in exit polls and it looked like he'd have an easy win. Now it looks much sketchier and they're blaming the Internet for making them call it wrong.

"It's the Internet, there's all this stuff available online right away. Four years ago we'd never be reporting exit-poll numbers," they said.

Yeah. The Internet held a gun to their heads and said "Do bad reporting or your brains will be all over the floor."

Healing the nation. Bah. That's not what our political system is about. Unless you're a smelly third-party hippie, you have to pick a camp: are you a Republican or a Democrat? Are you a conservative or a liberal? Are you an asshole or a pussy?

Oh, CNN is leaning toward projecting Ohio will go to Bush.

You bastards. I've seen the map. West Ohio, when I take this country over, you're dead.
