Reason #5,000,000 I should've dumped my first boyfriend sooner

{ 10.21.04, 11:59 p.m. }

◊ My first boyfriend, after we'd been dating a while, stopped kissing me. He would have sex with me and tell me he loved me, but when I tried to kiss him he'd turn his head so the kiss landed on his cheek.

This went on for a couple of months. I wasn't very good at bringing up problems then, and I'm still not; they tend to only come up after they've hit critical mass. Halfway through a makeout session, when yet another kiss skidded off his lips, I burst into tears and became a shrill, terrified, hysterical mess.

"What's wrong? Why don't you kiss me? Is there something wrong with me? What did I do?"

Turns out it was nothing. He couldn't think of a reason for why he hadn't been kissing me. He hadn't even noticed it.
