Portrait of the artist as a young spaz

{ 01.20.04, 7:10 p.m. }

◊ I thought that it would provide a valuable insight into my mindset, personality and individual history to attempt to describe myself in my favorite medium.

A self-portrait, as it were.

I'm sure you are all aware of my passions for oil painting, house painting and covering naked people with latex body paint (if I could get them to hold still long enough for me to apply it, that is). But as dearly as I love these avenues of expression, my favorite would be interpretive dance.

I have spent many hours on my dance, on what is the truest expression of myself.

But I'm a bit worried about how well it's going to go over.

I have to wonder how many of you would sit through five whole minutes of my dance, which mostly involves pogoing up and down, exaggerated hip grinding and Muppet-like flailing about to a musical montage of hits by the Ramones, Shirley Bassey and the Monkees.
