Hey Nazis: Fuck off!

{ 01.15.04, 7:04 p.m. }

◊ I just got Nazi spam.

It said, "Do you hate everyone but white people then join the Nazi revolution!"

Let's think about this:

The evil fuckers are spamming me in hopes that I will join them.

I wonder what fucktard came up with this one. Was he sitting around eating a Wonder Bread-and-processed-cheese sandwich (oh, hell, I don't know what people eat if they hate all foods but those made by white people) and thinking, "Y'know, I bet if we sent out lots of racist spam, we'd get loads more recruits and then nobody would fucking loathe us!"

And, most confusing of all, why was this spam sent to my davidbowie.com e-mail address? 'Cause you know we Ziggy Stardust and Labyrinth fans get a serious hate on for non-whites (like Bowie's wife and the daughter he just had with her) and men who dress like women.
