(Sort of) new shoes

{ 12.07.03, 3:40 p.m. }

◊ Man, I love thrift stores.

New (to me) blue sneakers

Yesterday I found what are possibly the world's coolest Vans for $5. They are seriously copasetic footwear. They're blue, they've got palm trees on 'em and they fit perfectly.

Which is good, because if they were any bigger, they wouldn't fit on the scanner.

This is entry number 101. No way no how am I doing one of those "101 things about me" lists because you don't have the patience to read it and I don't have the patience to write it. But I will tell you something about me. I call it "Badass Trivia."

I only wish I were as hardcore as this all makes me sound.

Arlette slang deconstructed (or, damn she is tired of explaining this to people)

Squirrely. 1. Evasive, doing a poor job of covering up. He started acting kind of squirrely when I told him he was lying. 2. Untrustworthy, unpredictable. I just about pissed myself when the car's steering started getting squirrely.

Sketchy. 1. Half-assed, potentially dangerous. Dude, those milk-crate bookshelves look sort of sketchy. 2. Uncertain, dubious. I'm kinda sketchy about that party; I think I might bail.

I'll post more when I encounter them.
