Black Friday

{ 11.27.03, 10:03 p.m. }

◊ I blew almost $100 at the record store just now. And yeah, it was for stuff I really wanted: two Tom Waits albums, an Alkaline Trio DVD, the Eddie Izzard Circle DVD, a couple of zines, a Hope Sandoval CD, a neat-o book and some mini Devil Duckies. I felt a little disgusted at my lack of willpower. Throw in the fact that yesterday my dad talked me into picking out a stereo that cost $60 more than the one we went to the store for, and I feel kind of sick at my lack of control. I usually feel weird spending more than $10 at the Salvation Army, so racking up triple digits' worth of stuff is creepy.

I don't make a lot of demands of my parents or hit them up for money too often, and my sisters definitely do, so I think my family tries to compensate by buying me serious stuff. It's crazy, especially because I really don't want them to feel like that's a good way to say they care.

Oh, and Buy Nothing Day is tomorrow. I think I'll do my damnedest to buy as little as possible, and maybe save a little money.

Even though I'm gonna just spend that money on drugs, anyway.

I am going to take the risk of sounding hopelessly emo by saying that I want to marry Matt Skiba. 'Cause I cue up the Alkaline Trio DVD and the band starts playing and they've got fake blood dripping from their mouths and Misfits eyeliner and he starts up with those ragged croaky vocals and I just want to take him home and cuddle him.

OK, probably something more crass than that, because really I am not a very nice person and I would probably enjoy the hell out of breaking a tender little tattooed emo singer boy.

And oh my God, I really am creaming myself. I stocked the new stereo with five Radiohead CDs, and it sounds amazing. I have never heard the albums sounding this good before. Oh. Oh oh oh. The guilt inspired by my dad's spending has now been replaced by a new awe for the band and a dampening of my panties.
