My Kevin Shapiro story

{ 10.23.03, 11:08 p.m. }

◊ I enjoy having my place to myself again. I enjoy not having to answer to anyone. I like that my cleanliness standards have been allowed to slip as far as they have. I don't dig the stench of unwashed laundry and dirty dishes, but I guess that's the price of freedom.

It's a pity the place feels like such a ghost town sometimes.

Left this as a note for Dan:

I wish summoning you were as simple as buying a fifth of Jack and a pack of Dunhills and then reading invocations from the Outlaw Bible of American Poetry. I asked my new Magic 8-Ball if things could be simple again. It said, "My reply is no." Fucking oracles.

It seemed fitting.

You know those things you say that are funny only to yourself? I have one.

If you catch me saying something is "better than sex," you can be sure I am cackling hideously on the inside.

That is, if I'm not already visibly cackling.
