Blog spray

{ 10.13.04, 7:48 p.m. }

Dean mentioned to me that the whole blogstalker rant contained a lot of misdirected aggression. He has a point, and not just the one on top of his head.

Though this blog is a creative outlet, it is personal. Almost everything in it is an attempt to capture an idea. Something in the back of my brain starts squirming, I chase it down, and if I catch it I pop it into a kill jar. When its segmented little body stops thrashing, I nail it up here.

A lot of those ideas are fun or whimsical � well, if baby-killing jokes qualify as "whimsy" � but some of them have too many legs or eyes or pincers for my comfort. Recently I've been not really eating, not really sleeping, not really socializing, and watching too much bad TV, and this has created something of an infestation of mental creepy-crawlies. I should not be scooping up the ugliest of the lot and waving them around at others when there's a good chance the bugs might bite.

So, if anyone was hurt or offended by something I wrote, this is the closest they'll get to an apology. If I'm sorry for anything, it's not for lashing out; it's for leaving the house at all.
