New haircut

{ 08.04.04, 5:03 p.m. }

◊ So I got the new haircut and it's an almost-smooth transition from "ratted-out rag-doll hair, but in a good way" to "short angled bob with short bangs." I have no idea what to do with it, so I've been fluffing it up into an absurd wedge shape at the back and putting little barrettes at the front near my bangs. It's cute, but it does seem to call for the whole outfit: knee socks, short plaid skirt, black oxfords and a gag ball.

When my mom saw the haircut she asked "So, you're going for that 1920s look?" with that tone of voice that said Remember, you have to let them make their own mistakes. It made me wonder if I'd missed the "retro-inspired sexpot" look I was aiming for and slid right into "employable only by record stores and piercing parlors."

Then sanity settled in. I mean, the skepticism was coming from someone whose perm would look right at home on a rerun of Golden Girls and who dresses like Tammy Faye Bakker.
