28 Days Later

{ 06.03.04, 7:36 p.m. }

◊ I asked Dean the other day if he would get back together with me. He said, "No. No, wait, I mean yes! YES! Sorry, I was thinking about something else." Then he collapsed into giggles.

That's Dean for ya.

But we delayed the official getting-back-together thing so that we got back together 28 days later, like the name of the zombie movie.

And today I went to a restaurant called "Crazy Buffet!" Boy howdy, it was awesome! Shrimp with the legs still on, wonton soup, cheese mussels and sushi! I went there with my parents and told them about getting back together with Dean.

My mom said "Well, he's nice, he treats you well, he's nice-looking ..." and I giggled, thinking about how I'd get to tell Dean Hey, my mom thinks you're hot! later on.

My dad, always the engineer at heart, grilled me about why I'd done it so he could evaluate my logic. He approved for practical reasons: "Dean wants you happy, even if what you want isn't what he wants; you have a lot in common, and that's important; he's very mature .... "

I almost choked on a mussel at that one: we were talking about a guy who occasionally springs forward with his arms out, mimicking a lemur, and has entire conversations with me that go "You're a chicken." "No, you're a chicken." "No, you're a chicken." "No, you're a chicken" and degenerate into "Chicken?" "Yeah?" "GOTCHA!"

I just didn't think I could explain it to my dad, who joked "Anything I need to know about him I can find out from a resume and credit check" when he first met Dean. So I guess the credit check went through!
