Hicks interlude

{ 05.28.04, 1:30 p.m. }

◊ So I'm in the lab at school, playing Bill Hicks' comedy album Rant in E Minor and trying to be all subtle when I turn down the volume any time an authority figure comes through. I love Bill Hicks but right now I just don't feel the need to excuse or explain his colorful, profanity-laced and incredibly crass style. Examples:

"I got backed-up semen that's about to make my head explode! Next time I cum it's gonna be like a wax dart shootin' out of my dick!"

"Some of my friends, for instance, think these pro-life people are annoying idiots. Other of my friends think these pro-life people are evil fucks. How are we gonna come to a concensus? You ought to hear the arguments around my house: "They're annoying!" "They're idiots!" "They're evil!" "They're fucks!" Brothers, sisters, come together! Can't we once just join hands and think of them as evil, annoying, idiot fucks?"

Anyway. You can see why I'm trying to keep the volume low.

But then I'm caught. My instructor sidles up to me and asks with a sort of perplexed and maybe concerned look, "Is this Dennis Miller?"

"No, it's Bill Hicks."

"Oh. I didn't think it would be Miller, he's pretty right-wing. He didn't used to be ..."

"Uh, no, Hicks was definitely not right-wing."

I play it cool for a minute, giving her a brief summary of what Hicks was (mostly I stare into space and try not to blurt out "Omigod, he was the greatest ever.") and hope very hard that I won't be chewed out for bringing wildly offensive material to the lab.

Boy, do I call that one wrong. I'm burning a copy of the CD for her right now.

Addendum: I left the CD in her office and now the other journalism instructor's playing it on her boombox. Awesome.
