So much for pathos

{ 09.13.03, 6:56 p.m. }

◊ Too much beer. Too many cigarettes. Not enough sleep.

I hurt, but it's a good kind of hurt.

Anyway, um . . . I am not clever. I am ridiculously tired. I am trying to think of something witty to say to make this entry worthwhile. I could try this shocking thing called not writing when you can only think of crap, but my powerful blogging instinct always takes over.

I feel like I do when I call up a friend to talk to them and realize I don't have anything interesting to say and then I feel like a total moron and a waste of time and energy and I start to wonder why my friends put up with me and my juvenile, obnoxious attitude and I worry that maybe I used to be cool and now I'm just irritating and nobody has the heart to tell it to me and they just talk to me on the phone and let me tag along with them when they go places because it's easier than trying to explain to me that I am a complete and utter loser.

But you still love me, right? Right?
