Thrift-store gimptastic

{ 03.03.04, 7:07 p.m. }

◊ I am currently rocking the short-skirt, big-boots, little-Pulp-band-shirt, all-black-except-for-the-red-leopard-print tights look. I am accessorizing with cheap, colorful plastic bangles I got at a yard sale (five cents for ten of them) and a big black wrist brace for my carpal tunnel syndrome. I call the look "thrift-store gimptastic," and I think it works. It was even more effective last night when my hip hurt so bad that I had to limp everywhere, Igor-style.

All my new short skirts have come about because I'm deliberately improving my wardrobe. I am also deliberately improving my mind. I have taken to listening to NPR (usually only an in-car thing) while I play video games because it sounds so much more respectable than saying I spend all my time playing Monster Rancher 3. So, uh, today I spent several hours listening to NPR.

I passed out briefly at work yesterday after I got all light-headed when I tried to put the barbell back through my tongue. That seemed like a pretty solid sign that maybe it's time to give up on the whole skewered-tongue thing.

Now that I have no stud in my tongue, I don't drool like mad in my sleep. And I am looking forward to eating long noodles without getting them wrapped around the top of the barbell.

And eating peanuts should be much less confusing now.
