Mixmaster me

{ 12.14.03, 5:38 p.m. }

◊ Do I rule, or what?

Everyone makes mix CDs, right? Right. (And all you who don't make mix CDs or tapes — what the hell do you do for people you're sweet on? Buy them flowers? Gah, how trite.)

But me, I have Photoshop and a flatbed scanner and delusions of graphic design grandeur.

The latest mix CD I am putting together (not for the CD club I'm in; this is a different project) looks, if I do say so myself, pretty fucking sexy.

Mix CD

It's called Kill the Cool Kids because killing hipsters is funny. Remember, folks, a mix CD is only half about music. The other half is all packaging or clever titles.

Once I get me some CD labels and figure out how the fuck I'm gonna package this thing, I'll be distributing this one to friends. Now why the hell can't I get people to pay me for this kind of thing?
