Holiday weakened

{ 11.11.03, 2:09 p.m. }

◊ Beer.

Beer, beer, beer. And whiskey. Cigarettes; lots of those. Dishes. Gyoza. Someone picking up the "$5 milkshake" reference I made. Watching lightning storms. And when it wasn't raining, a big white glossy disk of a moon doing impossibly theatrical lighting effects all over thick banks of clouds.

That was my weekend right there.

Now: Ten hours of sleep, two kinds of expensive Swiss cheese in the fridge, hot chocolate, my soft and fuzzy Radiohead sweater, green tea, sunshine, an unexpected $55 in my bank account and more gyoza.

And something to look forward to: the Leonid meteor storm.

It's funny how things turn when you've given up on everything.

It's also funny how much fun you have when your motto is "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
