Well paint my nails and call me goth

{ 10.21.03, 9:28 p.m. }

◊ Haha! I've got a new theme: my stomach! I think I'll run with it until the end of October, when I'll turn it into my new diary template.

[Picture omitted because I made the new template early]

Yes, my own diary template, which I'll make from scratch. All this hotness, and I'm a geek, too!

Sure hope y'all think carpal tunnel braces are sexy.

Rocked out to the Cure's "Just Like Heaven" on the car ride home today. All this 80s-retro-stylin' stuff can kiss my ass (Strawberry Shortcake? Thundercats? Come on, folks. You want instruments of the devil, scratch the AC/DC and head straight for the Care Bears) but the Cure have always rocked.

Well, not exactly "rocked." More like "alternated between incredibly mopey and happier than a perky goth with a new fuzzy bat-shaped backpack."

You get the idea.

Speaking of the 80s: I am watching some show on VH1 and people are talking about silly things that went on in that decade. Specifically, they are talking about Kangaroos, those sneakers with the little zippered pockets on the side.

The people on the show are laughing at the size of the pockets, saying "You can't put anything in these pockets! They're tiny!"

I had a pair of Kangaroos when I was a kid. They were purple.

I put pill bugs in the pockets in my Kangaroos.

You know, pill bugs? Sow bugs? Roly-poly bugs?

Yeah. Those.
