I am in hell

{ 10.12.03, 11:16 p.m. }

◊ Ooh, I'm clever. This is a comment I left on one of Prostitu�e's diary entries, and I think it's worth sharing:

It can get a little frustrating chasing boys around and getting turned down. But if the alternative is being bored with sex, I'll take the rejection. Or at least, I will for two weeks until the lack of sex makes me psycho.


Saw Bubba Ho-Tep with Dan and Dean (don't they sound like a motorcycle accident waiting to happen?). What a thoroughly kickass movie. Bruce Campbell as Elvis? Beautiful.

Tongue piercing update:

I can't drink, smoke, kiss, or give head.

I still slur like I'm drunk (though I just tell myself I talk like Asia Carrera).

It takes me 20 minutes to eat a slice of pizza.

Plus I'm on the rag.

Plus I have to work at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow.

Then I have to drive to Fresno.

Someone please shoot me in the head, now.

I just IM'ed someone with this:

i am godzilla you are a tokyo skyscraper. RAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!! *stomp stomp stomp*

Holy fuck, I'm tired.

And holy fuck, I love Oscar Wilde:

"Women have a much better time than men in this world. There are far more things forbidden to them."

"I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly."

Except for his being a total fuckhead. Kinda like Shaw, in that respect.

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